
Editorial on Iran Nuclear Talks

FG’s editorial entitled “Iran nuclear talks: Why there’s room to strike a deal” recently was published in CNN Opinion. Newly opened communication lines between President Barack Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani have stimulated questions about whether a successfully negotiated outcome can be reached. Over 30 years of political antagonism — coupled with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and the U.S. Congress — however, make a grand bargain virtually infeasible. Thus, in his editorial, FG offers different terms for striking a deal.
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CNN: Dispel the Immigration Myths

In the article published by CNN, FG identifies and disputes four commonly held misconceptions about immigration. He discusses how the United Sates is no longer a nation of immigrants, how not every immigrant wants to come to the U.S., how the U.S. does not attract the best and brightest immigrants, and how immigrants are not in fact a burden economically — and how a proper immigration policy is critical for the U.S.’ continued economic supremacy.
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Is China a Syndrome?

In “A China Syndrome?,” published in Oil & Gas Monitor, FG analyzes China’s growing reliance on oil from Iraq and what that means for the future globally. In a time when the United States’ dependency on Middle Eastern oil is declining due to advancements in drilling technology, FG also discusses in the article whether China will be the only country to rely on this source. Finally, he accesses what the future of the world may look like with an energy narrative of the United States becoming self-sufficient and China become increasingly dependent.

The Changing Winds of Population Growth

Population trends have vast and wide ranging impacts, affecting everything from economic patterns to the balance of political power. The ability - and flexibility - to adapt to these shifts, however incremental, will determine a company's degree of success and access to opportunities for years to come. There is no time like the present to determine what this will mean for supply chain management.

An Endeavour in Fluidity

As the recession clouds recede and organizations pull up sail, what course is your ship going to take? This is a question that supply chain executives are asking as they gauge the global landscape. What many realize is globalization requires a different approach than it did eight, five, or even two years ago. This is not to suggest a slowing in global initiatives or even a reversal in sourcing distance, but rather a strategy that compensates for potential international shifts in geopolitics, manufacturing, and commerce. It is all part of a sourcing evolution that supply managers refer to as a guide to the future. Often, examining where you've been in the best way to know where you're going and how to get there.

Change is Constant

In today's world, where value is an expectation, companies must view their suppliers as partners working together in an integrated network to deliver capabilities and products to the customer.